Defining selections is an integral part of digital waveform editing, used for everything from applying effects to creating loops. Simple selections are made in the waveform Display area by clicking with the left mouse button and dragging. This will produce a highlight that represents your selection range. In addition, AVSAudioEditor provides a number of functions to aid in selecting waveform data that can be used in combination for exactness.
To define a selection area left-click and drag on the waveform (selected area will become highlighted). To select a single channel click near the top or bottom of the stereo waveform. To extend a selection in either direction right-click on the waveform. To shorten or extend a selection position the Mouse pointer on the cursor and drag.
Use /Edit/Select All to select the whole file.
Use /Edit/Select Viewing Range or double left-click on the waveform to select all audio data in the viewing range.
Use /View/Selection Range to exactly specify the selection range.
AVSAudioEditor provides many methods of zooming in and out on your data. Zooming in on waveform material allows to make more precise selections. Use the buttons found beneath the waveform area on Zooming Toolbar to get more or less detail on a waveform or session. You can Zoom all the way down to the individual samples of the waveform, that are displayed as small squares on a line (the line itself represents an analog interpretation of the digital data). The Vertical Zoom buttons increase or decrease the vertical scale in the amplitude ruler.
Use /View/Viewing Range to exactly specify the viewing range.